Wednesday, November 14, 2007

open water

how do you tell someone who is enslaved, of life beyond their chains?
can you convince a freed man to remove his shackles, when they're all he's ever worn?
is it wrong to expect a captive to embrace freedom?

i walk ocean shores, picking up
skeletons on the way, searching for
corpses not yet dead.
i want to send shells back to the
body beside them.
love is my cause
freedom is my mission.

i watch the ocean's fingers grasp for more beings.
the atlantic is hungry. she yearns, with me, to
bring them home.

dusty red against a sandy background.
i pick her up carefully,
i whisper
lifeless and immobile, the being inside is no longer
had she been trapped on the ocean's edge?
if i had been here before her death, i would have told her how
she was.
i would have carried her myself and
her in
immortal waters.

her whitewashed shell is a clever facade.
but she is dead, and i am too late.


Sarah said...

Uhhhhhhhhhh. Abbie! That's my groan of "Why the HELL is this girl not publishing her AMAZING TALENT?!?!??!!?"

Pardon my French.

If you tell me you didn't write "open water" then I'll want to know who did. And if you tell me you indeed did, follow it up with "...and I'm having my work published."

Let me know when and where and I'll be first in line for your book signing.

Love you :)

Lost in York said...

Hey Ab!

My deepest apologies for not looking at your blog sooner - for such a long time there wasn't much there, but now- WOW! I don't know who "sarah" is, but I wholeheartedly agree. UHHHHHHHH! As soon as I make it big in the book market, I'm getting you a deal!

Seriously, you should look at putting together a book proposal. I know that Donald Miller says that "writers make about a dollar", but hey - at least you'd have fun!

Can't wait until you come back here to suburbia to visit us - is that soon? Thanksgiving or something? PLEASE come down and say hello.

I didn't finish reading everything I've missed yet, but I'll be working through it for the next several days. Miss you! Anxious to hear about all that God is doing that is prompting such interesting musings.