Wednesday, August 22, 2007

there's a type of freedom that can tie you down

the mind of a 4 year old, and other revelations.

"ok now we have to pray. hold your hands together and say what i say. hey, keep your eyes shut!
dear God, i love you and have a good night and sleep well and brush my teeth. amen. ok, now i have to do my crab walk."

i wish i could go into all that's being unveiled to me right now. sadly though, i'm not aware of a lot of it either. i'm lately overwhelmed, in both good and bad ways and the only recent realization i can share is that it's not about where i am going, or what i am doing, but who i am becoming. forget about careers, jobs, my "calling". seeking His face is my calling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I certainly have come to the same revelation in recent weeks. Its not about anything we DO or any direction we're seemingly headed in. Its not about 'being a good christian' or about doing anything right. Nope, its about seeking the face of God, and all the rest of it just kinda falls into line apparently. I'm still not convinced but perhaps I'm starting to trust our daddy a bit. perhaps. Thank you for your blog. It is nice to hear a sister at a similar bend in the path.