Tuesday, June 26, 2007


today i had to drive to a town south of p.i...about 20 minutes away. i had just put my hand out the window when i simultaneously heard and felt a very large and squishy bug hit my hand. the only thing that made it even more disgusting was the splattering of blood all over my palm and fingers. i couldn't stop anywhere to wipe it off so i spent the rest of the ride with my hand out the window and washed the dried up bug blood off when i got to work. i kept my hands inside on the way back.

also, i believe i saw shawn cunningham at the irving gas station in town. for those of you who don't know who that is, well...less than sub par news anchor for aroostook county should do it. for those of you who do know who she is, did she get a hair cut?

and i was slightly creeped out at the library earlier when i heard a class on sign language taking a break and talking about a double homicide/suicide that happened nearby a few days ago.

seriously, i love this state...


Anonymous said...

ah Maine, how I miss thee...

Brian said...

Hey Ab- I miss your postings... Are you so busy doing Maine-ian things that you don't have time to blog? Miss you!

Furrla said...

Ok, so I have a good car/window story for you. I had just pulled out of my driveway and I had my window down. I noticed something out of the corner of my eye and glanced over, and had to do a double take. There was a lizard sitting right there on the door, I guess enjoying the free ride. I freaked out and didn't even think of rolling the window up. So instead I had to flick him off. I was afraid he was going to jump into my car, it was just scary - only in the south...