Thursday, May 17, 2007

just another wrinkle in time

i think i'm going to like being 23, for a few reasons.
1. i have this thing about odd numbers. i like them. even numbers are just too perfect, too paired, too exact. (the ironic thing is some of the most significant biblical numbers - 3, 7, ok so only two - are odd).
3. my birthday is on an odd day
5. 21 is too overrated as an age. it's cliche.
7. 25...ok, i've heard that 40 is the new 30, but i'm pretty sure 25 is the new 30. yikes!

so yes, i like being 23. granted, i don't look it. the waitress at Governour's thought i was 17. the girl on the playground said i was 17 too. a little boy in the nursery the other night decided i was 6.

my mom tells me i'll appreciate all that when i'm older...

1 comment:

Brian said...

Am I the only one reading this thing? Let me assure you that 31 is a very nice age. So was 23. So were lots of other ones...