Sunday, April 15, 2007

hairspray, hillsong, and handcuffs

until tonight, i'd only ever seen someone cuffed and escorted into a cop car on shows like law & order. but just moments earlier some unfortunately intoxicated individual was pulled over in the neighbor's driveway and provided 15 minutes of live entertainment.

pipd (presque isle police department) was out in full force tonight; it took all three of their squad cars to administer the walk-the-line-say-the-alphabet-backwards-touch-your-nose test to the man in the pick-up truck. the perry's and i observed the entire process all the way to the arrest...the entire encounter was not quite as dramatic as expected, but still more exciting then this year's trash and treasure sale.

oh yeah, and it's snowing.

1 comment:

Lost in York said...

Hey Ab! Love the blog - I started one once, and haven't done a thing with it since... Oh well... We'll be home for SOME of that weekend, but for most we'll be out of town as well. I hope we get a chance to connect with you! By the way, love the commentary on the police department. :) Brian and Amanda